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Kantonsschule Sargans

-, Herr Goop, 2014

Heinrich K. ©

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ID# 42731


Future family

Does “happily ever after” really exist or is this just some silly phrase out of a fairy tale? With a divorce rate over 50% many people have lost all their faith in having a perfect marriage and family. People are sacrificing family life for lifestyle. They wait longer to have kids and many remain much longer at their parents’ homes before finally setting out on their own, with the result that parents get increasingly “older”. Can we protect the family structure in the future, considering these problems? And in which direction “family” is going to develop?

As a child of divorced parents I’m very worried about the alarming increase of the divorce rate. No matter whether the divorce is considered a relief by both parties or not it is always a tragic moment and a deep turning point in one’s life. A family should be a “hideaway” – a place where children feel save and loved. Whereas in the future many negative happenings in the family will lead to the fact that their lives will be shaped in a bad way.

What is the definition of “love”? How should we show “love” to our fellows? This and other questions must be answered in the family, usually by learning from our parents. Unfortunately there is not much to be learned from one’s parents if their marriage breaks apart. I’m afraid of a disturbance in the very important relationship between parents and their kids.

However, I don’t want to deal just with criticizing arguments. In fact I see the future family (let me call it patchwork family) as a new chance where people with different backgrounds can set us a good example by living in perfect harmony together. I’m absolutely convinced that this challenge can be successful indeed.

I don’t want to be called a pessimistic person who says that everything was better in the old days – just the opposite is true since I ‘ve much faith in a good future, but I know that it won’t be easy. It appears like hard work for each of us to fight against the breakdown of everything that is related to “family” and its values. I believe that a well working family doesn’t have to be a fairy tale. On the other hand it’s not an easy task, but a long and hard road. Now it’s up to us to face this challenge.

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