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University, School

German School Korea

Grade, Teacher, Year

Year: 11, Notes: 2

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Monika M. ©
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ID# 8694

Summary: Der Leser erhält eine detailli­erte Analyse der Unruhen in England und mögliche Lösungsa­nsätze. James Kim diskutie­rt den Einsatz des Militärs und Steuerer­höhungen als Abschrec­kung. Die Hausübun­g schlägt vor, Bildungs­reformen zu nutzen, um zukünfti­ge Generati­onen zu informie­ren. Sie bietet einen kritisch­en Blick auf die Rolle von Liberali­sierung und Medien.

Riots in England


English                                                                                                           James Kim


As we all know, England is not having a good time. People are looting from stores, the police are trying to calm people down, innocent people are getting arrested, etc.


The big question is, “who is to blame?” I come to a conclusion that it was the greed of people that lead to these riots. Liberalization of the markets and the supportive media of this development is also a reason why this is happening.

So how can we stop it?


When we were little, we made many mistakes. We always did the exact opposite of what they told us. For example, “ Do not touch the stove, it is very hot! ” The moment the mother looked away the child would touch the oven and get burned.

Telling the people to stop looting won’t help the situation. We tried the “easy” way. Did this, done that. Is it working? No. We have to solve the problem in a more “draconian” way. When people are scared or afraid, they try to avoid the situation as much as they can. I believe that we should let the British Military take control of this issue. People will get scared when the army is their enemy. In addition to that, if we grant permission to the military to shoot whenever it is necessary, people will stop. Since they know that it is now serious business.


Another harsh solution is, raise the taxes. If they won’t stop the looting and rioting, we will raise their taxes and make them pay for the damages. It is simple as that. I consider it very logical. If they continue to rage and destroy the whole view of England, we make them pay for it. Sure it is very direct but that is the only way it gets to them. Once they stop the riots, we lower the taxes back to the original rate.


Last but not least, we have to prevent the next generation of making the same mistakes as the their forefathers. That means, educate them about this event. Just like how Germany is educating their students about WWI and WWII, we need to educate the students about the riots in England. It is no use when we try to find solutions for this and the next generation does it again.


Therefore, to solve the problems that England is facing right now is to bring in the Military, raise taxes and “upgrade” the education system. They are draconian but wouldn’t you want to fix these problems as soon as possible? I would like to end this with a wise quote from Swami Sivananda, “Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.”

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